rm defaulting to -f instead of -i, why?

Subject: rm defaulting to -f instead of -i, why?
From: Dan (dan.kortschak@adelaide.edu.au)
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 21:13:05 MDT

Just yesterday rm decided that it knew that I was sure of what I was planning
to delete (which I usually am) and has started to default to non-interactive
removal of files. Where/how can I change this back to default to interactive?
I usually use the -f flag, but I'd rather have to specifiy it anyway.


 ____________________________________________________________   .`.`o
                                                         o| ,\__ `./`r
  Dan Kortschak                                          <\/    \_O> O
  Department of Genetics    phone:+61 8 8303 4863         "|'...'.\
  University of Adelaide    fax  :+61 8 8303 4399          '      :\
  Australia 5005            email:dan.kortschak@adelaide.edu.au   : \

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