Updating packages.........

Subject: Updating packages.........
From: AC-Done (adamhadm@frontiernet.net)
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 21:44:58 MDT

Is linux or even YD 2.0 dead?

It has been a long time since the last official update of CS 1.2... , in fact
it has been a year with a small update last fall. since then we have seen
large improvements and updates to many files out there in i86, alpha, etc. with
some trickling down to the ppc side. Is it because the lack of man power? Or
has it been because of the advanced beta release of OS itchy X? If the Linux
movement is to grow in the ppc world then lets do it by helping out. I have
been spending or wasting time trying to update packages with dependencies all
over the place and it still does not work.... We have been hearing about the
2.0 vaperDog with not much blowing in the wind except the sound of a fraught
train rushing by in the middle of the night.

I know the graphics installer would be great to have but what is wrong with Red
Hats installer in the mean time? 2.0 beta was a huge project trying to update
all of the packages with a hemorrhage of a time to figure the dependencies and
I still can not get the packages up to date. Do you yellow Dogs need more help
are you out of money, or what is the case? Communication would be great from
the holy dog in Colorado. Is this all we will see of the ppc side of linux?
Please help.... pllllllleeeeeeessssssseeeee.......

Where has the yellowdog gone? Has he been stuck out in the field playing


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