Re: Darwin Streaming Server 3.01 running on YDL

Subject: Re: Darwin Streaming Server 3.01 running on YDL
From: Robert Vogt IV (
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 14:12:47 MDT

> > I thought I heard someone ask about DSS 3 on YDL... Well, anyway,
> >I've gotten it running (after a few code patches) - just ask if interested.
> Highly interested.

        Figured as much. :)

        Ok, here are the steps I took (as much as I can remember from this
morning ;) :

        1. Download source distribution from
        2. Download RedHat binary distribution from " "
        3. Unstuff both, cd to qtssServer-338 directory
        4. Edit Server.tproj/RTSPSession.cpp
                Add the following after "#include <errno.h>" (note this
may prevent the code from compiling on other platforms, should use some
#ifdefs, etc.):
                #define _XOPEN_SOURCE
                #define __USE_XOPEN
                #include <unistd.h>

        5. Save, edit qtpasswd.tproj/QTSSPasswd.cpp
                Add the following after "#ifndef __Win32__ ... #include
                #define _XOPEN_SOURCE
                #define __USE_XOPEN
                #include <unistd.h> <may already be here>

        6. Save, run ./Buildit
        7. Go to the RedHat binary distribution folder to pick up a few
files not included in the source distribution :) and copy them to the root
build folder:
                AdminHtml (folder)
                        <maybe some more if Install step fails>

        8. Go back to the build folder and try running ./Install
                It'll probably bomb midway complaining about missing a few
files, like qtpasswd. Go into the relevant folders and copy the compiled
binary to the build root, then try again. :)

        9. Once Install doesn't complaint about anything except that is already running, you're ready to give it a
whirl. Kill the running admin server and streaming server, then run
Install again.

        10. You should now be up and running. If you've got SSL libraries
installed, go to "", if not, got to
"" (on the machine that's running the
server). Otherwise, you need to massage some config files. :)

        Well, that should just about do it. Feel free to email me if you
have any questions/problems. I'm forwarding this message to Apple in the
hopes they'll streamline the build process using this information. :)


                                Robert Vogt IV

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