Re: How to install Champion 1.2.1 by copying files to hard disk

Subject: Re: How to install Champion 1.2.1 by copying files to hard disk
From: Lecter (
Date: Mon Feb 26 2001 - 04:02:10 MST

on 2/25/01 3:58 PM, Conrad M. Hirano at wrote:

>> Now I wish to erase LinuxPPC and install Champion server 1.2.1 (since I
>> think I will like it better than LinuxPPC's distribution).
>> However, I cannot figure out how to copy the files correctly. Or the proper
>> set-up of the hard disk path (when the installer asks where the install
>> files are on the hard disk).
>> Any advice? If the hard disk install is too difficult, I am more than happy
>> to install over FTP. Does anyone know of a server that will allow this? And
>> which path to what file do I enter?
> Installing from the hard disk is straightforward and much faster than doing
> it over FTP.
> I've never had a YellowDog CD, so I'm assuming here that you can access all
> its contents via the Mac OS. (If you can't access those files on the CD,
> you can always download them via FTP.) Somewhere on the CD, there's a
> folder called YellowDog which contains the folders base, RPMS, and
> instimage. Just drag the YellowDog folder to the top level of an HFS
> partition.
> You just need to tell the installer which partition the files are on, e.g.
> /dev/sda5. There's no need to specify a path.

Hi Conrad, thanks for responding!

I copied the YellowDog folder into the only Mac partition on my hard disk.

I then used BootX to bring up the linux installer, as per the YellowDog
instructions. All goes well, and I answer Hard Disk for the media.

After it asks what type of media, it asks: "What partition and directory on
that partition hold the Yellowdog/RPMS and YellowDog/base directories?

It has all of the non swap partitions listed. I select /dev/sda6, which is
the hfs Mac partition. For the "Directory holding Yellow Dog:", I leave the
"/" which is already there.

It then says: Loading second stage RAM Disk

Then the following:

bunzip2: error in loading shared libraries: open shared
object file: No such file or directory (this is repeated three times)
install exited abnormally
sending termination signals...done
sending kill signals...done
unmounting filesystems...
you may safely reboot your system

What am I doing wrong?

Jim Krenz

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