Upgrading and configuring a new YDL 2.0 installation

Subject: Upgrading and configuring a new YDL 2.0 installation
From: Bob Beaton (bob@keyengine.com)
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 10:25:35 MDT

As a new YDL 2.0 user, I have a couple quick questions that I canıt answer
from reading the list archives. Any help would be greatly appreciated on the
following questions:

(1) I installed the YDL 2.0 LAN/WAN packages and performed a Œyupı update.
Now, however, Iıd like to install some apps from the other YDL package
themes (e.g., X, KDE, development tools & libraries). What is the best
procedure for installing multiple package themes (or a hybrid/custom theme
based on several packages)? I know I can install the apps individually with
yup or rpm, but I was hoping to avoid the manual effort. And it seems that
if I rerun the installer, it wants to perform a completely new install or
just hangs while doing some type of sanity check.

(2) After reading the list archives, Iım under the impression that
Œlinuxconfigı does not work well with YDL. I assume the linuxconfig problems
still exist in YDL 2.0, since linuxconfig is not included in the
distribution. Right? If so, what is the best procedure for configuring the
various system resources (.conf files) under the command-line and/or GU
interfaces? Iım particularly interested in configuration managers for the
more complicated apps, such as Apache and BIND.

Many thanks,
Bob Betaon

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