Install Issues on iMac...

Subject: Install Issues on iMac...
From: Adam W. Rodenberger (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2001 - 11:50:44 MST

Hello All!

Does anyone know if there is a general knowledgebase of information on
Yellowdog Linux? I'm a newbie and just installed 1.2.1 on one of our iMacs.
I'm having problems getting it to boot up into YDL. I've edited the Firmware
using the Command/Option/O/F and did the
   setenv boot-device ht:,\\yaboot
but wonder how to put it back if I want to boot in Mac OS later. I was using
this iMac as a test machine before I go and set-up my main computer as a web
server. I put the yaboot, yaboot.conf and vmlinux files in the system
folder. I found out that I need the updated version of the yaboot.conf file
that has the "image=hd:,\\\\vmlinux and changed the default = linux and
don't know how to change the file now...

So, on the screen when it boots it shows

   Welcome to yaboot version 0.8
   Config file read, 554 bytes
   Welcome to Yello Dog Linux!
   Hit <TAB> for boot options.

   boot: <NULL>
   Loading kernel...

   Image not found.... try again

So, I need to change the yaboot.conf file I think. But how? Or what to do
next? Please help!

Maybe I stayed up too late to do all of this in one night (til 7am)!!! I'm
crazy, but I love my Mac computers!!!

Happy computing to you all this beautiful Spring day in Atlanta!


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