SSSCA will make open source illegal in the US

Subject: SSSCA will make open source illegal in the US
From: Ralph Wiggums (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 17:04:29 MST

Sorry for the crosspost but everyone needs to be very concerned about this
proposed bill

Read more about it here
The Security Systems Standards and Certification Act will make the following
The SSSCA, among other things, will make the following illegal:
* Assembling a home-built PC.
* Using a non-secure computer (ie, a computer built before the would-be
implementation of the SSSCA) on a network.
* Widespread development of open-sourced (non-copyrighted and "digitally
unsigned? software.
* Use of open-sourced software (essentially the entire software platform for
the UNIX and Linux operating systems, on which Computer Science research
* University and corporate research on systems, debugging, security, and
* All VCRs, DVDs, and pretty much every current digital hardware will be
banned and considered illegal

Please sign the petition and write your congressman and senator

Plz post this in all newgroups and internet forums u belong to we need to
spread the word

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