Re: quik on Umax C500

Subject: Re: quik on Umax C500
From: Hollis R Blanchard (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 20:18:41 MDT

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Ben Jansen wrote:

> I've grown tired of using BootX as my bootloader and tried to switch
> over to quik. I'm using a Umax C500 200MHz, YDL 1.2.
> I've read multiple documents on how to install quik and how to configure
> OF using nvsetenv. After following each document's steps, the computer
> won't boot (screen stays black). The first few times I just reset using
> Cmd-Opt-O-F, but it looks like this last venture will require manually
> resetting it.

Make sure you're not using the quik that came with CS 1.2.1 - use the one
from YDL2 (


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