RE: need some help with burning cs1.21 image

Subject: RE: need some help with burning cs1.21 image
From: Jeff (
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 10:09:35 MDT

>Yeah, I have the exact same problem...
>Anyone know what's wrong? I have a stock PM 8500/132 PPC604.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Adam []
>> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 5:07 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: need some help with burning cs1.21 image
>> I have downloaded the latest ISO image and burned it to cd using the
>> latest Toast on a G4. I mounted the image on the desktop (two images
>> mounted, one with lowercase and the other every thing in upper case)
>> and selected the ISO format with macintosh names in the options.
>> Then I choose the the lowercase image and burned... It mounts on the
>> desktop fine but when I run the Red Hat installer it does not
>> recognized that the cd is a Yellow Dog tree...
>> What went wrong??
>> Adam
>> Adam Done Studios,
>> Commercial Photography
>> and Digital Imaging

I think I know what the problem is.
You aren't supposed to mount or otherwise alter the image file that
you downloaded. So:
1. Make sure you downloaded in binary format (not ascii).
2. Open Toast and choose "Disk Image" as the type instead of ISO.
3. Drag the raw disk image (not one of those mounted ones you made)
to the Toast window. Or you can click the data button and choose the
disk image.
4. Write the image.

At least that's the way I did it with the last image. Again, let me
emphasize that if you altered the raw image that you downloaded in
any way you'll need to download it again. FWIW, I downloaded the
MkLinux R1 disk image this morning in 10 minutes on my cable modem
from one of the mirror sites. Hope you're not stuck in 25k land. : |

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