Re:iMac DVSE 500

Subject: Re:iMac DVSE 500
From: William F. Hostman (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 03:23:25 MDT

The latest update on the iMac DVSE500

Sound works, except that all .wav files sound like a VHF radio during a
thunderstorm... static only. X-beeps fine. BASH beeps fine.

This has been consistant with all 5 kernels I've tried.

Still using the BenH backport 2.2.17pre13-ben1 kernel (tested a new 2.4.x
kernel, and ran into a kernel panic, switched back).

Reinstalled (for a number of reasons)... and after the dev rpm installed,
hit f2, and did the text-based backport stuff during the install; this ogt
the moude config to work. Still had to manually edit the
/etc/X11/XF86Config to set from protocol "PS/2" to "IMPS/2", and manually
set the device to "/dev/input/mice" rather than "/dev/mouse", even tho'
"/dev/mouse" is a sym-link to "/dev/input/mice". Yes, I've tried it in all
three options, and only with both will it work.

On shutdown, still getting
        Shutdown Console Mouse Services [FAILED]
how do I tell the console where to look for the mouse?
do any console (non-x) apps shipped as part of CS1.2 support mice?

Dual Boot Script:
        I used the dual boot script provided to the list by Dan Kortschak.
Some interesting problems there... If I let it time-out, I normally get an
unreadable (but functional) yaboot screen. If I type 'l', I get a search
for the macosrom. If I type 'm', I go straight to my hda9 macos rom and
boot to macos.
here's the script (sans the headers and the osbadge icons). I use "boot
hd:12,yaboot.tbxi" at the ofprompt to get to yaboot. I simply cut and
pasted to make the ofboot.b which resides on hda12 alongside yaboot.tbxi
and yaboot.config

: bootyaboot " Loading second stage bootstrap..." fb8-write 100 ms " boot
hd:12,yaboot.tbxi" eval ;
: bootmacos " Booting MacOS..." fb8-write 100 ms " boot hd:9,\\:tbxi" eval ;
variable hackcrlfvar 0d0a0a0d hackcrlfvar !
: hackcrlf hackcrlfvar 2 fb8-write ;
variable interactive
1 interactive !

0 interactive @ = if

" First stage GNU/Linux bootstrap" fb8-write off hackcrlf
" " fb8-write off hackcrlf
" Press L for GNU/Linux," fb8-write off hackcrlf
" M for MacOS." fb8-write off hackcrlf
" " fb8-write off hackcrlf
" Boot: " fb8-write off
get-secs 5 +
  key? if
    dup ascii l = if hackcrlf bootyaboot then
    dup ascii m = if bootmacos then
  dup get-secs - 0 = if bootyaboot then

Suggestions/comments appreciated.

William F. Hostman | "Smith & Wesson: THe original Point and Click
Aramis 0602 C55A364-C S kk+ as+ hi+ dr+ va++(--) so+ zh++ vi+ da++ sy- ge-
533 Vilani: uilamaanamti sirohbrankilin
IMTU 1.0: tc tm++ tn- t4-- tt+ to- tg-- ru+ ge 3i+ c+ jt-() au+ st- ls
pi+() ta+ he+(-) kk+ as+ hi+ dr+ va++(--) so+ zh++ vi+ da++ sy- ge- pi+

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