G3 2000 Firewire Laptop (Pismo) INSTALL PROBLEM

Subject: G3 2000 Firewire Laptop (Pismo) INSTALL PROBLEM
From: Steve Moitozo II (stephen@moitozo.com)
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 21:35:41 MDT

I'm trying to install YDL 1.2 on my brand new G3 PowerBook 400Mhz / 320mg
RAM / 10gig / DVD / 56k / firewire / USB / etc.
I've read everything I could find about this procedure and have followed it
to the "t", yet now matter how many times I try it does not work.

Here's what I've done:

I have been following the install procedure at:

1) I began by using Drive Setup to initialize the hard drive with 4
Bootstrap MacOS Standard 32mg
Macintosh HD MacOS Extended 6000mg (6gig)
Linux Root A/UX Root 3040mg
Linux Swap A/UX Swap 128mg

I did it in this exact order

2) Next I installed a stripped down MacOS on Macintosh HD so I could boot
the machine and do the next steps

3) I started the machine (booted from Macintosh HD) and inserted YDL Install
disk and copied the following items into the root of Bootstrap:

3) I downloaded the patched kernel from
Then I downloaded MacGzip from
http://helpdesk.uvic.ca/how-to/support/mac/gzip/macgzip113.hqx (because the
other link timed out)
After all this I dropped the kernel onto MacGzip and it unzipped it. I then
copied it to the root of bootstrap

4) I opened yaboot.conf and edited it to read:

init-message = "\nWelcome to Yellow Dog Linux!\nHit <TAB> for boot
timeout = 150
default = install

image = hd:9,vmlinux-2.2.15pre14-ben1
label = install
initrd = hd:9,ramdisk.image.gz
initrd-size = 8192
append = "video=aty128fb:vmode:17"

5) I then rebooted the machine while holding down CMD-OPT-O-F
Once I got the prompt I typed:

boot hd:9,yaboot


Each time I get the following error:

"can't OPEN: hd:9,yaboot
0 > _"

So I went on to try different drive numbers I would go back to the
yaboot.conf file and change the hd:9,vmlinux-2.2.15pre14-ben1 to
hd:11,vmlinux-2.2.15pre14-ben1 (I tried hd:1, hd:2, hd:3, hd:4, hd:5, hd:6,
hd:7, hd:8, hd:10, hd:11, hd:12, hd:13, etc)

Can anyone help? I would greatly appreciate it. I hope I've given enough

Steve Moitozo

"The Windows Assimilator"

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