re: Adding packages

Subject: re: Adding packages
From: William F. Hostman (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 15:59:21 MDT

>From: "Eric L. Santelices" <>
>Subject: Adding packages
>I installed TDL 1.2 Server, now I want to browse the cd and add additional
>packages what's the best way to do this?

I go into X as root, double click on the cd icon, which mounts the cd
currently in the drive, and then. open the appropriate file-manager window
(forgetting the correct name... not on YDL side at the moment), and then
double click on the rpm; this automatically runs the package installer for
that package (kpackage), and then adds it to the tree.

for tarballs (.tgz, .tar.gz) tar -zxvf FILENAME at a console window.

William F. Hostman | "Smith & Wesson: THe original Point and Click
Aramis 0602 C55A364-C S kk+ as+ hi+ dr+ va++(--) so+ zh++ vi+ da++ sy- ge-
533 Vilani: uilamaanamti sirohbrankilin
IMTU 1.0: tc tm++ tn- t4-- tt+ to- tg-- ru+ ge 3i+ c+ jt-() au+ st- ls
pi+() ta+ he+(-) kk+ as+ hi+ dr+ va++(--) so+ zh++ vi+ da++ sy- ge- pi+

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