To much of a RedHat ripoff?

Chris Leech (
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 23:10:25 -0400 (EDT)

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that Champion-1.0 is so similar to RH,
it's nice to already be familiar with how the system is set up.

But the fact that it's just a RH recompile shows through _way_ to much.
For instance, why do I have fdisk and cfdisk (OK, so they're part of the
utils-linux package) which do me no good but not pfdisk? I had to
download the source RPM from LinuxPPC-pre-R5 and rebuild. Other important
Mac specifics seem to be missing too, like sndvolmix and the rest of

At least the apache update changed the default web page to indicate that I
was running YellowDog, not RedHat :)
Now, just why do the initscripts read /etc/redhat-release?

Anyone else care to comment? Yes, I'd rather time be spent on porting
software than changing minor details like this - but it just doesn't seem
right in a commercial product. Or am I just being to picky?

        Chris Leech

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