Re: Archives?

Ben Karas (
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 18:15:15 -0500

>If it does get past that stage, it goes fine through to package selection.
>After that, there is an obscure error related to "line 107" (don't recall
>the name of the file- I'll find it later).

The file it refered to was utemper. The reason this fails is that the rpm
is named
utempter. ^^^^^^^

You can download this, and the following RPMS from the ftp server once you
finish installing:
mutt seemed to be missing when I went through this.

Provided you get through the downloads, you will most likely get an error
when the intaller tries to run Xconfigurator.

What you should do is skip the step, download the rpms, and install them.
Once they are installed, you should run Xconfigurator yourself.

These errors occured because the version numbers changed. I might not have
listed all the rpms because I didn't install "Everything". Best method is
to copy down the names as you get the errors.

> The installer procedes to search
>the site for the .rpms. It can't get them, despite attempting the proper
>URLs (according to the record in the third terminal.) Without fail, I get
>one of two error messages: either the server "can't be put into sleep
>mode" or there is an "I/O error." I get the same messages when using
>,, and the uiuc site.

I got this error also (something about setting up PASV failed), a second
try did the trick. Don't know what happened or why.

>Any hints? Suggestions? Thoughts?
>2) Is there a cd-image somewhere on the FTP site? I've tried to burn a
>disc in the configuration indicated by

If you have the hard drive space, a 2.2.x kernel should be able to access
HFS partitions and therefore you could save the RPMS, base, and instimage
inside a "RedHat" folder on your hard drive. This solves the RPM issue,
but takes up 382MB of space.

-Benjamin Karas

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