Re: "command not found"

Reid Ellis (
Fri, 11 Jun 1999 08:22:14 -0400

Time to be picky about shell-specific stuff. :-)

At 00:31 1999-06-11 -0400, Benjamin Karas wrote:
>Bash stores a bunch of information about your computer's setup in
>a number of variables. You can list all the variables by typing 'set'.
>Set also allows you to change these variables using the syntax 'set

Actually, "set" is a csh-ism. In bash, it's just "VARIABLE=VALUE".
"set" does print out all the variables, though, as well as all defined
shell functions. I think "env" only prints exported variables, as does
"export", although in a very different format, sticking "declare -x" in
front of everything.

In csh, 'export' is replaced by 'setenv', as in "setenv VARIABLE VALUE".
Note that there is no '='.

All this and more is yours to discover in the wonderful world of
"man bash" and "man csh". :-)

>The PATH variable is a list of directories seperated by colons.
>To change the path for one session, you can type:
>export PATH=$PATH:.

If you're running csh or tcsh, you would say
         set path=($path .)

Yours nit-pickerly,

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