Re: CS 1.1

Dan Burcaw (
Tue, 18 May 1999 18:17:00 -0600 (MDT)

> Ok.. I have a question for you guys.
> We are shipping 1.1 wth RADIUS authentication support (via
> radius-cistron). Now, I'm trying to decide whether or not the installer
> should have a default group called "Radius Authentication" which would
> install this RPM. My thinking is.. some users just select the "everything"
> button and I don't advise just having radius installed on a home system ;)

Whoops.. everything would install radius UNLESS i put the radius in the
extras/ directory (we're going to add a few extra rpms with 1.1 that
aren't part of the main distribution that certain folks might want... ie:
wu-ftpd and beroftpd (we use use proftpd by default))

So the question is.. would you folks that use radius want it part of the
standard distribution or be okay with it in extras/?
> Would those of you that use RADIUS want it as a group, or prefer to just
> "select individual packages" and install it that way?
> Dan
> Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.
> email:
> website:


Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.

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