Re: Apache Perl Modules

Subject: Re: Apache Perl Modules
From: Tom Tarka (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 20:32:35 MST

Patrick Larkin wrote:

> I did the same I think. I downloaded the latest apache and mod_perl. I did a make and make install on apache and then the
> same for mod_perl. I told mod_perl where my source was for apache. (It asks if it should build httpd in apache/src for which
> I said YES. Do I have to copy *that* httpd to the location where the apache make install put it or does it do that for you?)

I'm not sure that it does a "make install" in the apache directory for you or not. It probably does, but there's no harm
in doing it yourself.

> After that, I install the Apache::Roaming module (I do the same thing, make and then make install - the README doesnt say what
> to do with the module). Then, I edit httpd.conf as the readme says... I enter this text, with the approporiate paths:
> PerlModule Apache::Roaming
> <Location /roaming>
> PerlHandler Apache::Roaming->handler
> PerlTypeHandler Apache::Roaming->handler_type
> AuthType Basic
> AuthName "Roaming User"
> AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/htdocs/.htusers
> require valid-user
> PerlSetVar BaseDir /usr/local/apache/htdocs/roaming
> </Location>
> But when I fire up apache, I get the following error:
> Syntax error on line 863 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> Invalid command 'PerlTypeHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
> /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
> Which is wierd, since its hanging up on the 'PerlTypeHandler' line and not the previous 2. Since its OK with the line
> 'PerlModule Apache::Roaming', I assume mod_perl is installed and it finds the module.

httpd -L will tell you what directives are valid. Try that to see if "PerlTypeHandler" is available. By default, not all of
mod_perl's functionality is enabled at compile time. You might have to pass "perl" an option ... such as
"perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1" or some such (read the INSTALL file in the mod_perl dist for more info).


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