i have been enlightened

Subject: i have been enlightened
From: Ryan Mesler (kraylus@airmail.net)
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 09:30:42 MST


taking a leap of blind faith from a previous post, i created an .xinitrc in
my root directory. in that, i put exec enlightenment...

and whaddya know... when i started X.. BAM! i had enlightenment. my life is
now complete. i've gotten cable access this past thursday as well. i
networked my house using a linux router as the base of operations.

i was worried that the built-in ethernet for my iMac would give me similar
problems as the stinkin modem. but no! it all works now. it still kinda
bothers me that the modem doesn't work, but hey. no biggie for the moment.

now all i need is a two button mouse with a mouse wheel and im set (E is
hard to use with only one button).

quick question... has anyone had troubles getting Eterm to make?

R.L. Mesler <Kraylus>
Call me Kray

If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0

ICQ: 45088864
AIM: Kraylus

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