Xconfigurator and monitor modes

Dan Burcaw (dburcaw@terraplex.com)
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:50:55 -0600 (MDT)

Anyone that has had problems using Xconfigurator and not finding a valid
monitor entry for your system in Xconfigurator, please email me the
following information:

1) Monitor Type
2) The output of the command: fbset -x
3) What vmode, if any you're running (when you run #2)

I'm working on adding as many of the currently unsupported monitors as
possible for an updated Xconfigurator rpm and the next release of Champion
Server/Gone Home.


Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.
 email: dburcaw@yellowdoglinux.com
 website: http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/

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