RE: partitions for new (old) G4

Subject: RE: partitions for new (old) G4
From: Stefan Schneider (
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 18:15:55 MDT

I have to suggest also that you look into any of the Journaling Filesystems
available specially if you're going to be handling DB writes, performance
might be slowed down a bit but the benefits after a crash are more than
evident :)

My suggested partition scheme will be

/boot ext3 or ReiserFS (20 MB)
/usr ext3 or ReiserFS (500 MB)
/var ext2 (For logging only!!!) (2-4 GB) and remember to rotate and download
/db ext3 or ReiserFS (8 GB+) this is where your database files will live and
they'll amount for most of the data
/web ext3 or ReiserFS (1-2 GB) for static and dynamic HTML... usually 100MB
per user is enough so this will serve you for about 1024 to 2048 sites
without database space.
/scripts ext2 (1-2 GB) for cgi and php scripts which aren't BTW that prone
to crashes :)

Take into account, for a good web server trim all unneeded binaries and
daemons to make space in /usr for all those useful utilities like analog.

Hope this helps (And be corrected by people, who knows maybe we'll get a
nice reference design from this :)


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