Re: Apache as a proxy server

Subject: Re: Apache as a proxy server
From: Graham Leggett (
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 17:59:34 MST

Brian Mayton wrote:

> I looked up ProxyPass in the Apache documentation and it looks like it will
> do what I want it to do. However, after I put the ProxyPass and
> ProxyPassReverse lines into my config, I get an error that says they're not
> understood and that they weren't handled by any modules. I scrolled back up
> to where all the modules are defined, and mod_proxy.c was commented out. I
> tried uncommenting it, but it said something to the effect of 'can't find
> the module.' Where can I get mod_proxy and how do I install it?

mod_proxy is usually included in most binary installations of Apache
(are you using the YDL supplied Apache, or did you build it yourself?) -
usually as a module.

You need to uncomment the AddModule line corresponding to mod_proxy, as
well as the line with mod_proxy.c in it. The first option adds the
module, the second option governs what order the modules run in.


-----------------------------------------		"There's a moon
					over Bourbon Street

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